Upgrade to Panopto 4.6

We will be upgrading our server and the recording clients on the classroom computesr to Panopto 4.6 during the instructional break after Spring Quarter 2014.

Click here for more information about Panopto 4.6.

If you have a recorder client installed on your please download the new version from Gauchocast after Spring Quarter 2014. 

Upgrade to Panopto 4.5

On December 17 we are upgrading to Panopto 4.5! There may be some server down time which means normal Gauchocast services may be unavailable. We don't expect this to last too long, and if you experience issues after today please call Media Equipment at (805) 893-3549.

If you are curious about the changes that Panopto 4.5 will bring please check the Panotp website here.


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